DANIEL BLAKE SMITH Writer | Filmmaker
About Daniel
Daniel Blake Smith is a writer and filmmaker who loves to tell true, compelling American stories.
About Daniel
Daniel Blake Smith is a writer and filmmaker who loves to tell true, compelling American stories.
Smith is the author of six books, most recently, Crazy Love, a novel about two misfit dreamers on the run to the big city where they hope to reinvent themselves.

Many of Smith’s films focus on powerful, pivotal moments in our nation’s past: he wrote and coproduced ”February One,” a documentary about the 1960 Greensboro, North Carolina, lunch counter sit-in.
Texas Heart
TEXAS HEART tells the story of Peter Franklin, a crooked lawyer who's caught up in a loveless existence and runs off to hide out in a backwoods Texas town.
There, after changing his name to Frank Stephens, he quickly encounters a compelling story involving a young man who's falsely accused of killing a beautiful girl. Frank soon faces an agonizing choice: ignore the case in order to remain anonymous and far from the prying eyes of the mob that are still looking for him or reach out and try to save the young man.
After a shocking twist in the case, Frank makes a choice that changes everything--for the young man and for himself.
IMPACT teaser trailer from jason epperson on Vimeo.
Impact: After the Crash
Whose life hasn’t in some way-through family or friends or a friend of a friend been touched by the calamity of drunk driving? Our film explores this problem not by waving an accusatory finger at those who drive drunk even though such a gesture might be deserved but instead by taking viewers inside one of the most catastrophic drunk driving episodes in American history; the tragic bus crash in Carrolton, Kentucky, in 1988. But more than that, we take viewers beyond the “impact” to a place of recovery and hope and inspiration.
Our mission with this film is not only to inspire others by providing an in-depth look into the lives of the families of this crash, but also to promote responsibility and proper decision making when it comes to the consumption of alcohol. Please consider supporting us in our mission.